2012-06-14 - Home to UM for Concert


~8 miles @ ~11.2 min/mi

"Run, Forrest, Run! I bet you hear that all the time!" the cyclist shouts and waves at me as he zips past on University Blvd. I don't have time to tell him that, actually, I only remember a single incident long ago (2006-05-18 - Evening Anacostia Loop). Perhaps the movie wasn't as popular, or the line not as memorable, as it seemed to some?

Daughter Gray's chamber music recital tonight is another excuse to trek from home to the University of Maryland campus. The route (see Garmin GPS trackfile) is the same as 2012-06-02 - Deliverator to UM. The iPhone Runens app has problems in its new version and falls asleep, loses data, etc. A lunch of falafel, hummus, and fatuoush proves to be suboptimal before a long run, from a digestive perspective. Change clothes in the bathroom at the Music Center, then enjoy the recital.

^z - 2012-07-11